Latest School News
St. Brigid’s Day
Happy St. Brigid’s Day! Our junior classes did a fantastic job creating a beautiful fabric collage of St. Brigid’s cloak this week. Yesterday, we also all came together to make St. Brigid’s crosses with our older students helping our younger ones— such a lovely way to celebrate this special day!
Enrolment for the 2025/2026 school year is now open. A copy of the school’s Admission Notice and the Enrolment Form for Admission for the 2025/2026 school year can be viewed/downloaded from our website by following this link: https://owenbegns.ie/?page_id=45 Enrolment forms are also available from the school office. If you have any questions, please contact the…
Wellbeing Morning
3rd and 4th Class had a lovely wellbeing morning yesterday. They baked (and ate!) soda bread and spotted dog after learning about Northern Ireland this month. They then had great fun playing badminton together. Prioritising wellbeing in our school is so important. It creates a nurturing environment where our students can thrive, learn, and grow…
Confirmation Retreat
Our Confirmation candidates had a fantastic day on a retreat today in the Father Peyton Centre Ireland. Big thank you to Fina and Fr. Valerian for a lovely day today.
Grandparent’s Day
Grandparents Day at Owenbeg N.S. What a truly special afternoon we had celebrating our grandparents —both those who joined us and those who couldn’t be there.❤️ Our talented student Digital Leaders kicked things off with a brilliant presentation on cyber safety for our Older Wiser Learners. The junior classes charmed us with their lovely poems…
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